Why I’m not posting about the referendum anymore.

Several people have asked why I’m not getting involved in referendum discussions anymore and the answer is quite simple really.

The whole thing is getting rather pathetic; From “You’re just a greedy selfish prick which is why you’re voting No” to “People who vote no only do it because they are scared” and “Everyone who votes no just doesn’t care about those less well off”. The whole Natty campaign has descended into a massive pile of self-righteous manure and I’m done with them.

With less than 1 month ago I expect the torrent of nonsense and abuse to increase. We have seen conspiracy theories about secret Oil-fields that Westminster is trying to hide from the Scots. Nonsense that “Scotland is propping up the UK economy”. I have even heard the fact that the BoE have put contingency matters in place to try and prevent a run on the banks on Sept 19th “was proof that Westminster was scaremongering!”. The lack of a basic understanding of how the world economy works in some parts of the Yes campaign and amongst Yes supporters is scary. Even the historic child abuse scandal has been used as an example to show that “Westminster can’t be trusted”. It’s despicable….and it’s going to get worse.

There is now less than a month to go and it’s going to get worse. I expect rage from certain fractions on both sides. This whole thing is going to get ugly. Sane people are starting to lose their minds over this and are becoming increasingly bitter and angry..or at least their statements are. On Facebook you see people sharing posts from 3rd rate actors without thinking whether what they are saying is actually offensive or not.

I expect a lot of iffy stats and figures to come from the No campaign this month as well and that’s a shame as it’s completely unnecessary. The economic argument has been won with the voters, maybe not with the people on Facebook who are hardcore Yes, but definitely with the voters. That’s why the Yes campaign has finally started admitting that it won’t all be easy after a Yes vote.

This is why the Yes camp is now going to play on the hearts of the Scottish people. This is something Nationalists all around the world do very well. “But Scotland is fairer than Westminster” you will hear them balk. “Scottish people care more about fairness and equality!”. There is of course nothing to back up this statement, but it’s always nice to think that you’re fairer than the guy sitting next to you.

And if the situation is then phrased as “Sure, if you vote No you COULD still care about foodbanks…but odds are you don’t really” or words to that effect, it’s very difficult to keep standing up and arguing for a No vote, EVEN THOUGH that statement is clearly nonsense. There is no evidence that foodbanks will disappear in an iScotland. “But at least we’ll be trying to do something about them” will then, no doubt, be the spurious claim as if people in rUK and Westminster are happy with foodbanks. Again; “But aren’t you fair??” is the question you’re asked if you say you’ll vote No.

Expect the “but they’ll punish you if you Vote No” stuff to start soon as well. Remember how they were banging on about BT being “project fear”? Well, I expect Yes to start upping the ante very soon indeed.

All told I have a major problem with Nationalism. I think it’s a nasty and small minded way of thinking. Nationalists are right about everything. They know what’s best, they know what others should do. Most Yes campaigners KNOW what’s best for Scotland and for the people living in it. They have nothing to back this up, except for a white paper made up by people in cloud-cuckoo land and a book full of inaccuracies made up by a games developer in Bath.

Remember that post on Bellacaledonia called something like “Dinner with a No voter?” It essentially said “YOU are to blame for EVERYTHING Westminster does in the future if you vote No” and “I WILL NEVER LET YOU FORGET IT!!” It was quite popular with quite a few Yes voters and was all over facebook for a while. It shows the true spirit of a nationalist, they will always bang on about this for they are the righteous ones.

There is nothing to admire about nationalists. Yes Scottish nationalism is different from most other forms in that they are not racist but there is definitely a “We’re just politically different from the rUK” about it. For different read “Fairer, more honest etc”..in short “better”.

I have never understood how you could have a great sense of pride in something you’re lucky to be. You’re Scottish because you fell out of the right person’s vagina in the right country. There is no pride in that, there is no achievement in that. It was a fluke.


Economically this debate is over and I’m fed up renting space in my mind to people who think they can scare me into voting Yes and those who come out with half-baked ideas as to why only they can be right in their way of thinking.


There is no point in debating this on Facebook or anywhere else online anymore. The % of undecideds is dropping fast and they won’t be moved by a Facebook discussion. This thing will be decided next week in the BBC debate between Darling and Salmond. I hope Salmond gets spanked again but even if he doesn’t, a draw will be enough.

All we have to do after that is to actually show up to vote and be proud to have vote No.

Sure the Yessers you know will blame you for all the woes for the next 20 years but they are more than comfortable in the martyr-role so let them play that one. We’ll know in our hearts and minds that we did the right thing and that Scotland is better for it.

17 thoughts on “Why I’m not posting about the referendum anymore.

  1. Who are u anyway. Who cares about what you or anybody else says. Its up to every person who can vote to make their own mind up. So do me a favor and dont post anymore. Cool

  2. Very one sided post I agree there is nonsense out there but this comes from both sides including politicians who should know better these people in power should be setting an example, However the grass roots movement has been inspiring, it’s so great to see the younger generation getting involved, politics has been dead in the water in Scotland for many years, I hope these people who do get involved stay engaged for many years to come, perhaps form parties and bring the change that’s needed,

    1. I don’t know why you were reading this..but I did say “this was my last post”..and that it was because people asked me why I no longer posted”

      The question you should probably ask was “Why did I stop reading halfway through but felt compelled to respond asking why you were reading it”. Really, what did it add to your life?

  3. well the BoE does have plans if there is a ryn on the £ it has been in place since the bank was founded did you not know that and Scotlands iol exports are actually very high and this is waht PM Thatcher used to stop us rolling into a banan republic if you dont believe this ask Denis Heally he is being quoted as making these statment but if you are not sure drop me a line and i can fill you in on the rest of the errors in you statment

    Regards James

  4. http://scotspolitics.com/independence/yes-has-won-the-argument-for-independence

    I see no reason here why you want to give up your sovereignty and trust in such a broken politics.

    I don’t plan to hand my briefly-granted sovereignty back in at the ballot box in the afternoon of the 18th. I don’t really want this to be the only genuine participation in democracy I experience.

    You have to convince yourself that you are proud giving up our chance, but especially *your* chance, of a sovereign nation with a new constitution at its heart, written and enshrined by the people, for the people.

  5. I feel like you too – but I am voting YES ! The reason is, I made up my mind long ago and I have distanced myself from the present debate because I always knew it would go nowhere, I sincerely believe that Scotland would be better off as an independent nation and is ready for a new era in its history, – I have no doubt that if it is a yes vote then the people will make a success of it.

  6. British nationalism is disgusting…..Thank goodness that Scotlands independence movement doesn’t involve racism but is instyead about civic nationalism! I look forward to the day when our English and welsh and northern irish can look at what an independent Scotland has achieved and can say we want some of that!

  7. Bang on, you’ve inspired me to avoid all referendum coverage until the 18th of September, I’m not going to change my mind now, and reading/listening to some of the things posted by the yes campaign followers doesn’t do much for my mood or blood pressure! I’ll be toasting a resounding no victory on the 19th with a nice single malt. Cheers.

  8. All sadly true. The level of ignorance in this campaign is scary. I hope we can all put this behind us after a No vote.

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